
Guilt-Free Keto Banana Bread Recipe

Keto banana bread special adaptation of classic banana bread tailor-made for on a ketogenic diet. Unlike traditional banana bread, which is loaded with carbs from banana and flour, keto banana cleverly substitutes these high carb elements with low carb alternatives.

Here is a basic recipe for keto banana bread.


*  Almond flour, 2 cups 

*  Coconut flour, 1/4 cup 

*  Granulated sweetener, 1/2 cup 

*  Baking powder, 1 tsp

*  Baking soda, 1/2 tsp 

*  Salt, 1/4 tsp 

*  Butter unsalted melted, 1/2 cup

*  Eggs, 4 large 

*  Vanilla extract, 1 tsp 

*  Banana ripe, 2 medium mashed or use mashed avocado as a low-carb alternative 

*  Walnuts chopped or sugar-free chocolate chips for added texture and flavour optional 

Instructions: Step by Step

Step 1

Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit or 175 Celsius and grease a loaf pan.

Step 2.

In a large bowl whisk together almond flour coconut flour sweetener baking powder baking soda and salt until well combine.

Step 3.

 In separate bowl mix together melted butter eggs and vanilla extract.

Step 4. 

Add wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combine.

Step 5. 

Fold in the mashed bananas or mashed avocado until evenly distributed in the batter. If desired add chopped walnuts or sugar-free chocolate chips.

Step 6

Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and and spread it evenly.

Step 7. 

Bake in preheated oven for 45 to 50 minutes or become a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Step 8.

Once baked remove keto banana bread from oven and let it cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Then transfer it to wire rack to cool completely before slicing.

Enjoy delicious keto banana bread.

Also Try These Recipes 

Creamy Keto Bliss:Top 4 Pudding Recipes 

10 Easy Keto Smoothie Recipes


Preparation time. 

*  Gathering and measuring ingredients, 5 - 10 minutes 

Mixing time.

*  Whisking dry ingredients, 5 minutes 

*  Mixing wet ingredients, 5 minutes 

*  Combining wet and dry ingredients, 5 minutes 

*  Folding in mashed bananas or avocado and optional mixing. 5 - 7 minutes 

Baking time.

*  Baking in a preheated oven for 350 Fahrenheit, 45 - 50 minutes 

Cooling time.

*  Cooling in the pan, 10 minutes 

*  Cooling on a wire rack, 45 minutes to 1 hour

Overall time, 1.5 to 2 hours.

Nutrition Fact’s:   1 slice serving

*  Calories, 180 - 200 kcal 

*  Fat, 16 - 20  grams 

*  Carbohydrates, 4 - 6  grams 

*  Protein, 6 - 8  grams 

*  Fiber, 2 - 4  grams 

*  Sugar, less than 1 grams, mainly from the natural sugars in the bananas or other ingredients 

In the end:

Keto banana bread delicious and satisfying treat for those following ketogenic diet and looking for low-carb alternative to traditional banana bread. It can enjoyed as a breakfast option a snack or a dessert while still adhering to the principles of  keto lifestyle.

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